3 Feb
3 Feb
1:37 a.m.
----- On Feb 2, 2023, at 4:55 PM, Clayton Zekelman clayton@MNSi.Net wrote:
The cost is not low. Trust me on that. I've been involved in a pretty massive suburban fibre deployment for the past decade...
My neighborhood is currently serviced by coax only. A contractor for Frontier is digging, as I write this, in front of my home. They use a large Vermeer drill to pull a conduit underneath the sidewalks. We have existing conduits from the street to the homes. I talked to the foreman (who is the son of the owner), and he told me that they get around $100 per foot. That's for the conduit only, not a single fiber pulled. A city inspector comes every day to check up on their work. Thanks, Sabri