If you've seen the news, you've seen the Cash America Inc building in Fort Worth. Its the one with no windows. Although the building suffered extensive damage, and Cash America may have to abandon it, their computer center providing service to 400+ pawn shops around the country worked without interruption. Even though I don't work with libraries anymore, they still draw my attention. The Fort Worth Public Library, which is mostly underground, had significant damage to its aboveground expansion. For those who say, I told you underground is better, I'd remind you about the extensive damage to Boston Public Library's lower levels when a water main broke. Pick your risk. Sprint showed that fiber rings can work, if you do them right. Sprint suffered a fiber cut in downtown Fort Worth during the tornado. I don't think anyone outside of Sprint's operation center noticed. I didn't. Southwestern Bell now says one of their facilities in Arlington had a power failure, and is now backup on generator power.