On Tue, 18 May 2004 Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu wrote: : > Blocking outbound mail from such entities is a pretty good way to get : > buy-in. (Yes, there's a DNSBL in work to enumerate such systems.) : : When it gets built, will it list AOL.COM for not rejecting at the original : RCPT TO? AOL happens to be working with the anti-spam community by converting their MXs to do reject-at-SMTP. (See SPAM-L archives. They're quite aware of the problem and are in fact addressing it.) : Or Hotmail.com? Strange; I've received direct SMTP rejections from Hotmail plenty of times recently. Given the size of that entity, I'm sure the DNSBL admin in question would try to work with them (and Hotmail admins have also shown themselves on SPAM-L); but without any movement, yes, it'd be a candidate for listing. -- -- Todd Vierling <tv@duh.org> <tv@pobox.com>