On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Bill Nash wrote:
On Wed, 30 Mar 2005, Eric A. Hall wrote:
| to bear the additional cost of my customers choosing to use a | competitor's VOIP service over my own, says Greg Boehnlein, who | operates Cleveland, Ohio-based ISP N2Net. | | Without control of the last mile, we're screwed, Boehnlein says, | which is why I can identify with Clearwire's decision and say | more power to them.
Do you also block NNTP so that customers have to use your servers?
And if some other service used higher cumulative bandwidth than VoIP (say, Apple's music service) and didn't ~reimburse you for the use of your network, would|do you block that service too? For that matter, do you block the various P2P systems that don't make money but that generate massive traffic?
I find this to be entertaining, since as a VOIP consumer, I'm reimbursing my ISP for the cost of the traffic as part of my monthly tithe. Why exactly are networks taking this stance to QoS VOIP traffic, generated by their customers, into uselessness?
Well, there is a whole other side to the arguement, which is why is your local ISP even providing you the DSL service when they don't own the last mile copper and pay 98% of the revenue that you pay them to an RBOC? :) Believe me, I ask myself this question every day: "Why did I agree to provide DSL services through SBC and Alltel knowing how anticompetitive they are?". And the only anwer that I can come up with is: "You are an idiot". ;) This gets at a bigger issue really, which is why anyone in their right mind is actually re-selling RBOC DSL products, but that isn't your concern. ;) As an ISP, I'd love to charge you (the consumer) on a per-packet or per-byte level for your DSL so that it would actually reflect the true cost of the service. Then, I'd like to charge you for all the technical support and billing overhead involved. At the same time, I'd like to see the RBOC's relegated to nothing more than wire-carriers and get them completely out of the Telecommunications industry. Let them run the COs and the Copper/Fiber networks, but truly deregulate the Telecom industry so that everyone is on a level playing field. Fat chance of that happening, though! ;)
This will all be especially hysterical when it's done by an ISP that comprises 100% of it's local market's internet connectivity. Munn vs. Illinois, round 2!
Why are RBOC's even providing Internet Transport to their customers in the first place? :) -- Vice President of N2Net, a New Age Consulting Service, Inc. Company http://www.n2net.net Where everything clicks into place! KP-216-121-ST