Peter Dambier wrote:
Neal R wrote:
I have a customer with IP transport from Sprint and McLeod and fiber connectivity to Sprint in the Chicago area. The person making the decisions is not a routing guy but is very sharp overall. He is currently examining the latency on trans-Atlantic links and has fixed on the idea that he needs 40ms or less to London through whatever carrier he picks. He has spoken to someone at Cogent about a point to point link.
What is a reasonable latency to see on a link of that distance? I get the impression he is shopping for something that involves dilithium crystal powered negative latency inducers, wormhole technology, or an ethernet to tachyon bridge, but its been a long time (9/14/2001, to be exact) since I've had a trans-Atlantic circuit under my care and things were different back then.
Anyone care to enlighten me on what these guys can reasonably expect on such a link? My best guess is he'd like service from Colt based on the type of customer he is trying to reach, but its a big muddle and I don't get to talk to all of the players ...
I remember voiping over the pond, from Frankfurt, germany to New York.
We had to twist asterisk to even accept the sip. Time was between 80 and 90 msec. The experienced time was higher. Roger, Over and Out with their interstallar hamradio experience could do it, but to a normal citizen it was unuseble.
(dsl 1000 customer, close to Frankfurt)
1 krzach.peter-dambier.de ( 2.918 ms 3.599 ms 3.926 ms 2 * * * 3 85.268 ms 85.301 ms 102.059 ms 4 f-ea1.F.DE.net.DTAG.DE ( 102.092 ms 110.057 ms 126.310 ms 5 p2-0.core01.fra01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 126.344 ms * * 6 * * * 7 p3-0.core01.ams03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 132.262 ms 139.333 ms 147.174 ms 8 p12-0.core01.lon01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 76.436 ms 76.444 ms 84.374 ms 9 t1-4.mpd02.lon01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 99.840 ms 99.873 ms 107.508 ms 10 t3-2.mpd01.bos01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 209.678 ms 217.428 ms 225.601 ms 11 t2-4.mpd01.ord01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 233.514 ms * * 12 vl3491.mpd01.ord03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 243.741 ms * * 13 * * * 14 ge-1-3-0x24.aa1.mich.net ( 165.776 ms 174.752 ms 193.770 ms 15 www.merit.edu (!) 193.812 ms (H!) 201.863 ms (H!) 209.704 ms
(colo in Amsterdam)
1 ( 0.227 ms 0.257 ms 0.227 ms 2 ge-5-2-234.ipcolo1.Amsterdam1.Level3.net ( 0.985 ms 0.811 ms 0.856 ms 3 ae-32-54.ebr2.Amsterdam1.Level3.net ( 4.235 ms 6.575 ms 1.360 ms 4 ae-2.ebr2.London1.Level3.net ( 19.097 ms 12.816 ms 18.220 ms 5 ae-4.ebr1.NewYork1.Level3.net ( 78.197 ms 78.769 ms 87.062 ms 6 ae-71-71.csw2.NewYork1.Level3.net ( 78.068 ms 79.058 ms 89.192 ms 7 ae-22-79.car2.NewYork1.Level3.net ( 142.665 ms 135.007 ms 214.243 ms 8 te-7-4-71.nycmny2wch010.wcg.Level3.net ( 75.824 ms 75.695 ms 76.566 ms 9 ( 282.356 ms 138.384 ms 243.104 ms 10 * * * 11 * * * 12 * * * 13 * * * 14 www.merit.edu ( 112.906 ms !C 110.515 ms !C 113.418 ms !C
Try Switch (swizzerland) they are testing warp tunnels - but not producting yet :)
Cheers Peter and Karin
Hi, Over Level 3 transit from their London 2 gateway to the New York, 111 8th St. gateway: ( psize=64 bitpattern=0x00) Fri Jun 29 10:56:25 2007 Keys: Help Display mode Restart statistics Order of fields quit Packets Pings Host Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev 1. v5-csw01.ln1.qubenet.net 0.0% 188 1.4 6.2 0.7 197.4 24.7 2. bdr01.ln1.qubenet.net 0.0% 188 1.3 5.0 0.6 214.4 26.4 3. ipcolo2.london2.level3.net 0.0% 188 1.3 1.4 0.8 2.4 0.3 4. ae-0-52.bbr2.London2.Level3.net 0.0% 188 1.4 2.8 1.0 52.2 5.9 5. ae-0-0.bbr2.NewYork1.Level3.net 0.0% 187 67.4 69.1 66.4 181.3 12.0 as-0-0.bbr1.NewYork1.Level3.net 6. ae-31-89.car1.NewYork1.Level3.net 0.0% 187 67.5 69.3 66.7 227.1 13.9 ae-21-79.car1.NewYork1.Level3.net ae-11-69.car1.NewYork1.Level3.net ae-41-99.car1.NewYork1.Level3.net 7. bdr01.ny1.qubenet.net 0.0% 187 67.4 67.4 66.8 69.8 0.4 Over a private DS-3 circuit from and to same buildings the average latency is probably 4ms less than the above. Andy.