On 1/3/21 5:00 PM, Keith Medcalf wrote:
I think the challenge here is that there's a category of people who don't have cell phones, who don't have cable TV, but receive content over their internet connection. I happen to live with someone like that, so I know it's a non-zero portion of the population. I pay for my Internet connection and I do not want "your shit" to be spending "my money". If you think this is oh so important then *YOU* can pay to install at your sole expense, a device which emits your silly warnings -- I do not want them. You will also have to negotiate for easement rights on my Private Property and those are not going to be given away for cheap.
You pay your money to your ISP and your money ceases to give a shit what you want. Don't like it? Give it to somebody else who does. Mike