----- Original Message ----- From: "Daniel Karrenberg" <daniel.karrenberg@ripe.net> To: "Paul Vixie" <vixie@vix.com> Cc: <nanog@merit.edu> Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2004 3:05 PM Subject: Re: VeriSign's rapid DNS updates in .com/.net
On 22.07 17:08, Paul Vixie wrote:
.... therefore if there were a drop in TTL for root-zone data, it would only be a multiplier against 2.1% of f-root's present volume.
I am not worried so much about the root servers here because of the reasons you cite. The root server system is engineered to cope with hugely excessive loads already. I am worried about all the other root servers that have to deal with much lesser query loads and might feel the impact of lowered TTLs much more.
... and the impact of having it in many TLD's will be to put downward pressure on TTL's. this all needs to be looked at very carefully.
Yes, we need to keep an eye on this and argue against lowering TTLs across the board for little good reasion.
Infospace / Authorize Net and their successors have their ttl's set for 10 minutes and that just plain goofy. Plus, TTL's at 600 or below have always been the calling card for a spammer; . . . er not that I am accusing them of spamming, rather they are just straining dns queries. Peter