On Sun, 8 Nov 2009, Alex Balashov wrote:
For example, perhaps in the case of CDNs geographic optimisation should be in the province of routing (e.g. anycast) and not DNS?
Well my first answer to that would be that GSLB scales down a lot further than anycast. And my first question would be what would the load on the global routing system if a couple of thousand (say) extra sites started using anycast for their content? Each would have their own AS (perhaps reused from elsewher in the company) and a small network or two. Routes would be added and withdrawn regularly and various "stupid BGP tricks" attempted with communitees and prefixes. I heard some anti-spam people use DNS to distribute big databases of information. I bet Vixie would have nasty things to say to the guy who first thought that up. -- Simon Lyall | Very Busy | Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz/ "To stay awake all night adds a day to your life" - Stilgar | eMT.