From owner-nanog@merit.edu Tue Mar 15 12:53:30 2005 Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 10:53:22 -0800 From: Micah McNelly <micah@style.net> Subject: Re: sorbs.net
Actually I got a response quickly from a list member who represent sorbs at some level. Do you really think opinion has a place in mail delivery?
*MY* opinion on that matter doesn't count for sh*t. Neither does yours. The _only_ opinion that matters is that of the *owner* of the destination mail-server. As in "My server, *my* rules." Quite obviously, the server operator at the place you were trying to mail _to_ *DOES* believe that 'opinion' has a place in e-mail delivery. Like I said, the _first_ place you should take your 'problem' is to *them*. *NOBODY* is 'forced' to use SORBS, or any othe blocklist. The mail-system owners/administrators that *CHOOSE* to do so, have made a voluntary decision to restrict incoming mail to their system on that basis. THEY did it, nobody else.