At 10:42 AM 5/2/97 -0500, Karl Denninger wrote:
Trying to extort money to peer is exactly that - extortion.
Karl Denninger (karl@MCS.Net)| MCSNet - The Finest Internet Connectivity
I asked our telecommunications attorney, who bats 1000 in such matters, about the issues involved. His reply:
The action is probably anticompetitive. The problem is that the anti-trust laws are so hard, costly and time-consuming to enforce in civil matters, and for criminal you must get the state or federal authorities interested.
To obtain relief you have to show intent and ability to monopolize. This is not a price squeeze -- to the contrary. You have to show concerted action. Market power. Damages.
Notwithstanding my statement above about the authorities, I'd recommend all who are concerned go to the justice department and seek an investigation. That or even the threat often mitigates behavior.
Larry Vaden, founder and CEO help-desk 903-813-4500 Internet Texoma, Inc. <http://www.texoma.net> direct line 903-870-0365 bringing the real Internet to rural Texomaland fax 903-868-8551 Member of TISPA and ISP/C pager 903-867-6571