Hi folks, At $day_job, I have a team of engineers who are oncall for critical services in the United Kingdom. For $reasons, the national power grid is announcing the possibility of rolling power cuts over the coming months. Right now it's "unlikely", but possible. If cuts do happen, it'll be 3+ hours, possibly several times/day. I'm looking at the cost/benefit of deploying small UPSes at people's homes, to protect their network access when oncall. Just to power the home router (+ONT if FTTP), and keep a charged laptop. I figure anything smallish should be enough for a few hours. Question is, how much battery runtime can I typically expect from ISPs' last mile infra. People will have a random mix of DSL, FTTP, DOCSIS. Another alternative is tethering with 4G. - For FTTP, I *think* (but am not sure) that the UK mostly uses PON, so guess it would be runtime of OLT and onwards - For DSL: runtime of DSLAM cabinet and onwards - For CATV: CMTS and onwards, maybe any active equipments in the HFC to the CPE? - For 4G: BSS and onwards Could anyone with last mile experience help with some ballpark figures? I.e. 15 min vs 8h or 8 days. Thank you, Israel