On 09/03/2022 00:25, Tom Beecher wrote:
The only way IPv6 will ever be ubiquitous is if there comes a time where there is some forcing event that requires it to be.
In about two years time, IPv4 addresses will be worth on the order of $100/IP, assuming current trends hold. That's a lot of revenue in leasing IPv4 to the business customers that refuse to think about IPv6 because $reason. It's also a lot of unit cost to add to a consumer-grade service, where your margins are distastefully thin already (well, in some markets) and set to get thinner when you need to buy a swathe of CGNAT boxes to keep routing IPv4. Even at todays's dollar price, this dilemma holds true, but I largely suspect that there are too few fixed-line ISPs that have been forced into CGNAT yet - the more that are, the more will wonder why they're buying so many of them. -- Tom