At 04:23 PM 9/17/97 -0700, Pushpendra Mohta wrote:
Even in the scenario where physical proximity automatically implied network proximity, I think the assumption that local traffic will dominate communications needs to be revisited. It is true today, only because that is how people live lives and conduct business _today_. The concept of "community" today is geographical.. the communities of tommorrow may not be so restricted.
I'm not at all convinced that 'local' traffic stays 'local', in fact, I'd suspect that the latter case which you mention is already true. I'd very much like to see the ration of traffic which is 'pushed' to that which is 'pulled' from the local exchange, especially at smaller exchanges (e.g. Tucson, Packet Clearing House) to verify these assumptions. Not sure enough solid data can be correlated at the larger exchange points to provide a conclusion. - paul