It's not like there are scorecards, but there's a lot of fault to go around. However, again, BGP "Optimizers" are bad. The conditions by which the inadvertent leak occur need to be fixed , no question. But in scenarios like this, as-path length generally limits impact to "Oh crap, I'll fix that, sorry!." Once you start squirting out more specifics, you get to own some of the egg on the face. On Thu, Jul 30, 2020 at 1:35 PM Sadiq Saif <lists@sadiqsaif.com> wrote:
On Thu, 30 Jul 2020, at 13:09, Patrick Schultz wrote:
so, bgp optimizers... again?
-- Patrick
More like shame on Telia for not filtering properly.
If Tulix used a so called BGP "optimizer" and didn't have a proper export filter in place it is their mistake but as a major transit provider, Telia bears the brunt of the responsibility of making sure that Tulix's mistake doesn't affect the rest of us.
-- Sadiq Saif https://sadiqsaif.com/