The following additions have been made to the NSFNET policy-based routing database and will be installed on the backbones by 08:00 EST, and reports will be available on nis.nsf.net by 09:00 EST: T1 Network: ---------- Network IP: 141.113 Network Name: DB-NET Location: debis Systemhaus GmbH - Stuttgart, Regionales Rechenzentrum Stuttgart, Mercedesstr. 136, D-W-7000 Stuttgart 60, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 145.51 Network Name: HESROTTERDAM Location: Hogeschool voor Economische Studies Rotterdam, P.O. Box 4030; NL - 3006 AA Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS Country Code: NL 1:590 EASInet Regional Network 2:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 152.112 Network Name: HSRC Location: Human Sciences Research Council, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Country Code: ZA 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1240 USSPRINT - Palo Alto, CA 3:701 Alternet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 155.147 Network Name: RUCKER-TCACC Location: U.S. Army Safety Center, ATTN: CSSC (Mr. Steele), Ft. Rucker, AL 36362, USA Country Code: US 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 155.153 Network Name: PINEBLUFF-1 Location: Pine Bluff Arsenal, Pine Bluff, AR 71602-9500, USA Country Code: US 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 158.132 Network Name: HKPNET Location: Hong Kong Polytechnic, Computer Centre, Hung Hom, Kowloon, HONG KONG Country Code: HK 1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) 2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 159.72 Network Name: FDATA-NET Location: Swedish Defence Data Agency, S-107 87, Stockholm, SWEDEN Country Code: SE 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:701 Alternet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 163.251 Network Name: SRFYOKONET2 Location: U. S. Naval Ship Repair Facility, PSC 473 Box 8, FPO AP 96349-1400, Yokosuka, JAPAN Country Code: US 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.48.253 Network Name: UCTNET-C Location: University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, Cape Town, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Country Code: ZA 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1240 USSPRINT - Palo Alto, CA 3:701 Alternet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.65.216 Network Name: HYPERION Location: Hyperion, 137 Peach Terrace, Santa Curz, CA 95060, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.67.121 Network Name: PSCI-NETS1 Location: Boeing Computer Support Services, P.O. Box 9022, Marshall Space Flight Center, AL 35812, USA Country Code: US 1:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 2:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 192.80.83 Network Name: UMASS-EXT-NET Location: University of Massachusetts at Amherst, University Computing Services, Lederle Graduate Research Center, Amherst, MA 01003, USA Country Code: US 1:1384 NEARnet Regional Network 2:1383 NEARnet Regional Network 3:560 NEARnet Regional Network 4:281 NEARnet Regional Network 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 192.83.62 Network Name: GSF-ESPNET Location: Geological Survey of Finland, Betonimiehenkuja 3, SF-02150 Espoo, FINLAND Country Code: FI 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:701 Alternet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.83.63 Network Name: GSF-KUONET Location: Geological Survey of Finland, Neulaniementie 5, SF-70701 Kuopio, FINLAND Country Code: FI 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:701 Alternet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.83.64 Network Name: GSF-ROINET Location: Geological Survey of Finland, Lahteentie 2, SF-96101 Rovaniemi, FINLAND Country Code: FI 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:701 Alternet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.87.16 Network Name: ITC-IPNET Location: I.T.C., P.O. Box 6; NL - 7500 AA Enschede, NETHERLANDS Country Code: NL 1:590 EASInet Regional Network 2:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 192.96.109 Network Name: SAAO Location: South African Astronomical Observatory, PO Box 9, Observatory 7935, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Country Code: ZA 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1240 USSPRINT - Palo Alto, CA 3:701 Alternet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.107.168 Network Name: MRC-NIMR-NET Location: Medical Research Council, National Institute for Medical Research, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London NW7 1AA, UNITED KINGDOM Country Code: GB 1:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 2:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 192.112.223 Network Name: PSCNI-NETS3 Location: Boeing Computer Support Services, Network Systems Engineering, P.O. Box 9022, MSFC, AL 35812, USA Country Code: US 1:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 2:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 192.124.142 Network Name: RATSYS-2 Location: Rational Systems, Inc., 220 North Main Street, Natick, MA 01760, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) 20:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 192.124.150 Network Name: FDDATA-01 Location: Federal Data Corporation, 4800 Hampden Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) 20:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 192.136.129 Network Name: RUCK-SINGER Location: CAELINK, Bldg. 5000, Ft. Rucker, AL 36362, USA Country Code: US 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) Network IP: 192.144.76 Network Name: CNET15 Location: Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications -- CNET, 38-40 Rue du General Leclerc, F92131 ISSY LES MOULINEAUX, FRANCE Country Code: FR 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1240 USSPRINT - Palo Alto, CA 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.144.77 Network Name: CNET16 Location: Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications -- CNET, 38-40 Rue du General Leclerc, F92131 ISSY LES MOULINEAUX, FRANCE Country Code: FR 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1240 USSPRINT - Palo Alto, CA 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.144.78 Network Name: CNET17 Location: Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications -- CNET, 38-40 Rue du General Leclerc, F92131 ISSY LES MOULINEAUX, FRANCE Country Code: FR 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1240 USSPRINT - Palo Alto, CA 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.144.79 Network Name: CNET18 Location: Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications -- CNET, 38-40 Rue du General Leclerc, F92131 ISSY LES MOULINEAUX, FRANCE Country Code: FR 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1240 USSPRINT - Palo Alto, CA 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 192.195.187 Network Name: FISHNET-1 Location: Cygnus Support, 1835 E. Belmont Drive, Tempe, AZ 85284, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) 20:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 192.207.117 Network Name: AW Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) 20:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 192.231.32 Network Name: RATSYS-1 Location: Rational Systems, Inc., 220 North Main Street, Natick, MA 01760, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 10:750 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Ann Arbor, MI) 11:756 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Princeton, NJ) 20:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 192.231.191 Network Name: NISEAPH-NET Location: NCCOSC In Service Engineering Activity Pearl Harbor, NCCOSC ISE West Activity, Box 130, Pearl Harbor, HI 96860-5170, USA Country Code: US 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Network IP: 193.156.13 Network Name: CMI-ASU Location: Christian Michelsens Institutt, avd. ASU, Fantoftvn. 38, N-5036 Fantoft, NORWAY Country Code: NO 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:701 Alternet 12:754 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (Houston, TX) 13:751 T1-T3 Network Interconnect (San Diego, CA) Total configured T1 networks: 7565 T3 Network: ---------- Network IP: 128.176 Network Name: DMSWWU-ETHER Location: Universitaet Muenster, D-W-4400 Muenster, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:701 Alternet Network IP: 129.70 Network Name: UNIBI Location: Universitaet Bielefeld, Universitaetsstr. 25; D-4800 Bielefeld 1, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) Network IP: 130.206 Network Name: IRIS Location: Programa, FUNDESCO, Alcala 61, 28014 Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 131.173 Network Name: UOS Location: Universitaet Osnabrueck; Rechenzentrum, D-W-4500 Osnabrueck, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:701 Alternet Network IP: 131.220 Network Name: UNI-BONN Location: Universitaet Bonn, D-W-5300 Bonn, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) Network IP: 134.93 Network Name: UNI-MAINZ-B Location: Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung, Anselm-Franz-von-Bentzel-Weg 12 D-W-6500 Mainz, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:701 Alternet Network IP: 134.104 Network Name: MPIFR-LAN Location: Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie, D-W-5300 Bonn, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:701 Alternet Network IP: 134.106 Network Name: UNI-OLDENBURG Location: Universitaet Oldenburg; Hochschulrechenzentrum, Postfach 2503 D-W-2900 Oldenburg, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:701 Alternet Network IP: 134.107 Network Name: MPPMU-LAN Location: Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, D-W-8000 Muenchen 40, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:701 Alternet Network IP: 138.100 Network Name: UPM Location: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 141.113 Network Name: DB-NET Location: debis Systemhaus GmbH - Stuttgart, Regionales Rechenzentrum Stuttgart, Mercedesstr. 136, D-W-7000 Stuttgart 60, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 145.51 Network Name: HESROTTERDAM Location: Hogeschool voor Economische Studies Rotterdam, P.O. Box 4030; NL - 3006 AA Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS Country Code: NL 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) Network IP: 147.52 Network Name: UOFCRETE Location: University of Crete, Computer Center, Ampelokipi, Heraklion, GREECE Country Code: GR 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:701 Alternet Network IP: 147.83 Network Name: UPCNET Location: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 147.96 Network Name: UCMNET Location: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 147.156 Network Name: UVALNET Location: Universidad de Valencia, Spain Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 150.128 Network Name: UJINET Location: Universitat Jaume I, Castellon, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 150.140 Network Name: PATRASNET Location: Academic & Research Network in the Region of Patras, Computer Technology Institute (CTI); Kolokotroni 3; GR-26221 Patras, GREECE Country Code: GR 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:701 Alternet Network IP: 150.214 Network Name: RICA Location: Red Informatica Cientifica de Andalucia, Sevilla, Spain Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 150.241 Network Name: ESZSARE Location: Laboratorios LABEIN, Bilbao, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 150.244 Network Name: UAM-IP-NET Location: Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 152.112 Network Name: HSRC Location: Human Sciences Research Council, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Country Code: ZA 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1240 ICM (FIX-West) 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 155.54 Network Name: UNIV-MUR Location: Universidad de Murcia, SANTO CRISTO 1, 30001 MURCIA - SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 155.147 Network Name: RUCKER-TCACC Location: U.S. Army Safety Center, ATTN: CSSC (Mr. Steele), Ft. Rucker, AL 36362, USA Country Code: US 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 155.153 Network Name: PINEBLUFF-1 Location: Pine Bluff Arsenal, Pine Bluff, AR 71602-9500, USA Country Code: US 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 155.207 Network Name: GRTHEUN Location: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-540 06 Thessaloniki, GREECE Country Code: GR 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:701 Alternet Network IP: 155.210 Network Name: ARAGONET Location: Universidad de Zaragoza, Centro de Calculo, Ciudad Universitaria, 50009 Zaragoza, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 156.35 Network Name: UNIOVI Location: Universidad de Oviedo, Asturias, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 157.88 Network Name: UNIDEVALL Location: Universidad de Valladolid, C.P.D., Prado de la Magdalena s/n, 47005 Valladolid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 158.42 Network Name: UPVNET Location: Politechnical Valencia University, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Centro de Calculo, Camino de Vera, 14, 46020 Valencia (Valencia), SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 158.49 Network Name: REDINEX Location: Universidad de Extremadura, Servicio de Informatica, 06071 Badajoz, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 158.109 Network Name: XIUAB Location: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Centre de Calcul, Edifici C, E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 158.132 Network Name: HKPNET Location: Hong Kong Polytechnic, Computer Centre, Hung Hom, Kowloon, HONG KONG Country Code: HK 1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) 2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) Network IP: 158.227 Network Name: SPRINET Location: Universidad del Pais Vasco, Sociedad para la Promocion y Reconversion Industrial; Pais Vasco, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 159.72 Network Name: FDATA-NET Location: Swedish Defence Data Agency, S-107 87, Stockholm, SWEDEN Country Code: SE 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:701 Alternet Network IP: 160.40 Network Name: TECHPATH Location: Techological Park of Thessaloniki, GR-540 06 Thessaloniki, GREECE Country Code: GR 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:701 Alternet Network IP: 161.72 Network Name: IACNET Location: Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, c/ Via Lactea s/n; 38200 La Laguna (Tenerife), SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 161.111 Network Name: CSICNET Location: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), Serrano 117, 28006 Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 161.116 Network Name: UBNET Location: Universitat de Barcelona, Centre de Calcul, Facultat de Biologia (anexe de Biologia), Avda. Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 163.251 Network Name: SRFYOKONET2 Location: U. S. Naval Ship Repair Facility, PSC 473 Box 8, FPO AP 96349-1400, Yokosuka, JAPAN Country Code: US 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.48.253 Network Name: UCTNET-C Location: University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, Cape Town, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Country Code: ZA 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1240 ICM (FIX-West) 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.54.197 Network Name: ILL-GRENOBLE Location: Institut Laue-Langevin, BP 156, F-38042 Grenoble CEDEX, FRANCE Country Code: FR 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.65.216 Network Name: HYPERION Location: Hyperion, 137 Peach Terrace, Santa Curz, CA 95060, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 192.67.121 Network Name: PSCI-NETS1 Location: Boeing Computer Support Services, P.O. Box 9022, Marshall Space Flight Center, AL 35812, USA Country Code: US 1:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 2:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.70.246 Network Name: EASINET-BB1 Location: EASINET-BB1, CERN, Geneva, SWITZERLAND Country Code: CH 1:590 EASInet 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) Network IP: 192.80.83 Network Name: UMASS-EXT-NET Location: University of Massachusetts at Amherst, University Computing Services, Lederle Graduate Research Center, Amherst, MA 01003, USA Country Code: US 1:560 NEARnet Regional Network 2:281 NEARnet Regional Network Network IP: 192.83.62 Network Name: GSF-ESPNET Location: Geological Survey of Finland, Betonimiehenkuja 3, SF-02150 Espoo, FINLAND Country Code: FI 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.83.63 Network Name: GSF-KUONET Location: Geological Survey of Finland, Neulaniementie 5, SF-70701 Kuopio, FINLAND Country Code: FI 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.83.64 Network Name: GSF-ROINET Location: Geological Survey of Finland, Lahteentie 2, SF-96101 Rovaniemi, FINLAND Country Code: FI 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.87.16 Network Name: ITC-IPNET Location: I.T.C., P.O. Box 6; NL - 7500 AA Enschede, NETHERLANDS Country Code: NL 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) Network IP: 192.96.109 Network Name: SAAO Location: South African Astronomical Observatory, PO Box 9, Observatory 7935, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Country Code: ZA 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1240 ICM (FIX-West) 3:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.101.198 Network Name: EASINET-DEMO Location: Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung, GMC Z1.WN, Riemenschneiderstr. 11, D-5300 Bonn 2, GERMANY Country Code: DE 1:590 EASInet 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) Network IP: 192.103.20 Network Name: UOFCRETE1 Location: University of Crete, Computer Center, Ampelokipi, Heraklion, GREECE Country Code: GR 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.107.168 Network Name: MRC-NIMR-NET Location: Medical Research Council, National Institute for Medical Research, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London NW7 1AA, UNITED KINGDOM Country Code: GB 1:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 2:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.108.114 Network Name: CC-DUTH Location: University of Crete, Computer Center, Ampelokipi, Heraklion, GREECE Country Code: GR 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.108.134 Network Name: FZUNET Location: Institute of Physics CSAV, Dpt. 20, Cukrovarnicka 10, 162 00, Praha 6, CZECHOSLOVAKIA Country Code: CS 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) Network IP: 192.112.223 Network Name: PSCNI-NETS3 Location: Boeing Computer Support Services, Network Systems Engineering, P.O. Box 9022, MSFC, AL 35812, USA Country Code: US 1:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 2:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.112.247 Network Name: CSN Location: Consejo De Seguridad Nuclear, Justo Dorado 11, 28040 Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.124.142 Network Name: RATSYS-2 Location: Rational Systems, Inc., 220 North Main Street, Natick, MA 01760, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet Network IP: 192.124.150 Network Name: FDDATA-01 Location: Federal Data Corporation, 4800 Hampden Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet Network IP: 192.136.129 Network Name: RUCK-SINGER Location: CAELINK, Bldg. 5000, Ft. Rucker, AL 36362, USA Country Code: US 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.144.76 Network Name: CNET15 Location: Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications -- CNET, 38-40 Rue du General Leclerc, F92131 ISSY LES MOULINEAUX, FRANCE Country Code: FR 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1240 ICM (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.144.77 Network Name: CNET16 Location: Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications -- CNET, 38-40 Rue du General Leclerc, F92131 ISSY LES MOULINEAUX, FRANCE Country Code: FR 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1240 ICM (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.144.78 Network Name: CNET17 Location: Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications -- CNET, 38-40 Rue du General Leclerc, F92131 ISSY LES MOULINEAUX, FRANCE Country Code: FR 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1240 ICM (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.144.79 Network Name: CNET18 Location: Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications -- CNET, 38-40 Rue du General Leclerc, F92131 ISSY LES MOULINEAUX, FRANCE Country Code: FR 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:1240 ICM (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.167 Network Name: SPRITEL Location: SPRI, S.A., Programa SPRITEL, Parque Tecnologico, Edificio 103, E-48016 ZAMUDIO (VIZCAYA), SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.201 Network Name: REDIRIS1 Location: RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO, Alcala, 61, 28014-Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.202 Network Name: REDIRIS2 Location: RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO, Alcala, 61, 28014-Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.203 Network Name: REDIRIS3 Location: RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO, Alcala, 61, 28014-Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.204 Network Name: REDIRIS4 Location: RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO, Alcala, 61, 28014-Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.205 Network Name: REDIRIS5 Location: RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO, Alcala, 61, 28014-Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.206 Network Name: REDIRIS6 Location: RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO, Alcala, 61, 28014-Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.207 Network Name: REDIRIS7 Location: RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO, Alcala, 61, 28014-Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.208 Network Name: REDIRIS8 Location: RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO, Alcala, 61, 28014-Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.209 Network Name: REDIRIS9 Location: RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO, Alcala, 61, 28014-Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.210 Network Name: REDIRIS10 Location: RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO, Alcala, 61, 28014-Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.211 Network Name: REDIRIS11 Location: RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO, Alcala, 61, 28014-Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.212 Network Name: REDIRIS12 Location: RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO, Alcala, 61, 28014-Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.213 Network Name: REDIRIS13 Location: RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO, Alcala, 61, 28014-Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.214 Network Name: REDIRIS14 Location: RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO, Alcala, 61, 28014-Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.148.215 Network Name: REDIRIS15 Location: RedIRIS, c/o FUNDESCO, Alcala, 61, 28014-Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 192.195.187 Network Name: FISHNET-1 Location: Cygnus Support, 1835 E. Belmont Drive, Tempe, AZ 85284, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet Network IP: 192.207.117 Network Name: AW Location: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 7 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet Network IP: 192.231.32 Network Name: RATSYS-1 Location: Rational Systems, Inc., 220 North Main Street, Natick, MA 01760, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet Network IP: 192.231.191 Network Name: NISEAPH-NET Location: NCCOSC In Service Engineering Activity Pearl Harbor, NCCOSC ISE West Activity, Box 130, Pearl Harbor, HI 96860-5170, USA Country Code: US 1:184 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:164 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 193.144.96 Network Name: INIA Location: Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria, Carretera de la Coruna Km 7, E-28040 Madrid, SPAIN Country Code: ES 1:513 EASInet / CERN 42:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 43:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East) 44:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 193.156.13 Network Name: CMI-ASU Location: Christian Michelsens Institutt, avd. ASU, Fantoftvn. 38, N-5036 Fantoft, NORWAY Country Code: NO 1:1800 ICM (FIX-East) 2:701 Alternet Total configured T3 networks: 7312 ***************************************************************** The configuration reports, map information sheets, and configuration files which reflect these changes are available for anonymous ftp on nis.nsf.net as usual. nsfnet/announced.networks - configuration reports latest report for: - NSFNET T1 has the file extension .now - NSFNET T3 has the file extension 3.now nsfnet/backbone.configuration - configuration files for the routing software for each NSS latest report for: - NSFNET T1 has the file format config.nss# - NSFNET T3 has the file extension .t3p Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin@merit.edu using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line. from the nis.nsf.net machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the machine. Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files TEMPLATE.NET, TEMPLATE.GATE, and TEMPLATE.AS. ******************************* --Steve Widmayer Merit/NSFNET skw@merit.edu --Riaz Taherzadeh-Yazdian NSFNET/ANSNET rty@merit.edu