The following networks have been added to the NSFNET policy-based routing database: T1 Network: Net # Net Name Primary Secondary Location -------- ----------- ------- --------- -------- 192.149.8 CCAC 1206 204 Community College of Allegheny County, 800 Allegheny Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15233, USA 192.147.238 SUPERNET-DMZ 750 756 SuperNet/Supercomputing Review, 8445 Camino Santa Fe, Suite 204, San Diego, CA 92121, USA 192.147.230 ONE-NET 174 750 Open Networks Engineering, Inc., 777 East Eisenhower Parkway, Suite 315, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USA 192.147.160 NWNET10 685 73 NorthWestNet, 15400 SE 30th Place, Suite 202, Bellevue, WA 98007, USA 192.147.44 MCIMAIL-DMZ 750 756 MCI Mail Operations, MCI Telecommunications, Inc., 501 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516, USA 192.146.206 DROVERNET 93 Univ. of Science & Arts of OK, Box 82346 Chickasha OK 73018, USA 192.138.194 UHRICS 114 1700 University of Houston, College of Business, University of Houston, 4800, Calhoun, Houston, TX 77204-6282, USA 192.138.193 UHCBA 114 1700 University of Houston, College of Business, 4800, Calhoun, Houston, TX 77204-6282, USA 192.136.110 WESTNMUNIV 209 210 Western New Mexico University, P.O.Box 680, Silver City, NM 88062, USA 192.135.78 NCPC-NET 86 279 National Capital Planning Commission, NCPC, 801 Pennsylvannia Ave., NW, Suite 301, Wash., DC 20576, USA 192.103.12 USRA-NET 297 372 Universities Space Research Association, The Washington Office Center, 409 Third Street, SW, Suite 330, Washington, DC 20024, USA 192.77.173 PSINET-C-173 174 750 PSI, 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY 12180, USA 192.70.171 MIAMI-MATH 194 University of Miami, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1365 Memorial Drive, Room 515, Coral Gables, FL 33146, USA 192.70.57 FNET-CNET139 1238 FNET, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, Domaine de Voluceau, Rocquencourt, BP 105, F-78153 Le Chesnay CEDEX, FRANCE 192.31.89 MIAMI-CS-NET 194 University of Miami, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1365 Memorial Drive, Room 515, Coral Gables, FL 33146, USA 157.199 HKR 174 750 Healthcare Knowledge Resources, Inc., 24 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive, P.O. Box 301, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-0301, USA 157.151 HOLONET 174 750 Information Access Technologies, Inc., HoloNet Internet Services, 46 Shattuck Square, Suite 11, Berkeley, CA 94704, USA 155.244 COCO-NET 174 750 Rome Research Corp., RL/C3DA, Griffiss AFB Building #3, Rome, NY 13441-5700, USA 152.106 RAUNET 701 702 Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 151.160 MILLSAPS 279 86 Millsaps College, 1701 North State Street, Jackson, MS 39210, USA 150.148 DIMES 86 279 Parklawn Computer Center / DIMES HQ, Departmental Information Management Exchange system, Food & Drug Administration Room 2B57, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, USA 138.65 FRANKFURT-GW1 184 164 Frankfurt Regional Information Center, V Corps Heasdquareters, Abrams Complex, Building 1, Frankfurt, GERMANY 137.19 ALLIED 555 Allied-Signal Corporation, P.O. Box 5016, 50 East Algonquin Road, Des Plaines, IL 60017-5016, USA 136.218 NUERNBERG-GW1 184 164 Nuernberg CDOIM, Building 1, W.O. Darby Kaserne, 8510 Fuerth, GERMANY 136.216 KARLSRUHE-GW1 184 164 CDOIM Karlsruhe, Smiley Barracks, Kanalweg 20, 7500 Karlsruhe, GERMANY 136.213 GRAFENWOEHR-GW1 184 164 CDOIM Grafenwoehr, Lager Gebaeude 8484, Camp Tunisia, 6144 Grafenwoehr, GERMANY 130.210 LINKNET 174 750 Link Flight Simulation Corporation, Industrial Park, Binghamton, NY 13902, USA 147.36 PIRMASENS-NET1 184 164 DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, Pirmasens, GERMANY 144.215 TTI 1740 754 TTI/Citycorp, 3100 Ocean Park Blvd., Santa Monica, Ca. 90405, USA 143.53 BRAD-UNI 274 60 Bradford University, Computer Centre, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD7 1DP, UNITED KINGDOM 147.40 MANNHEIM-NET1 184 164 DCSOPS, 5th Signal Command, Mannheim, GERMANY 140.154 DARMSTADT-GW1 184 164 Darmstadt CDOIM, Building 4001, Cambrai Fritsch Kaserne, Darmstadt, GERMANY 139.222 UEA 274 60 University of East Anglia, University Plain, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UNITED KINGDOM 139.139 GIESSEN-GW1 184 164 Giessen, Pendleton Barracks, GERMANY 138.251 ST-AND 274 60 : LOCATION The University of St. Andrews, Fife, UNITED KINGDOM 146.182 UOVS 701 702 University of the Orange-Free State, Computer Centre, Bloemfontein 9300, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Total NSFNET T1 announced networks: 4775 T3 Network: Network IP: 130.210 Network Name: LINKNET Location: Link Flight Simulation Corporation, Industrial Park, Binghamton, NY 13902, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNET Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 131.214 Network Name: ROMENET Location: Rome Air Development Center/DCLD, Griffiss Air Force Base, Building 3, Rome, NY 13441-5700, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNET Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 144.215 Network Name: TTI Location: TTI/Citycorp, 3100 Ocean Park Blvd., Santa Monica, Ca. 90405, USA Country Code: US 1:1740 CERFnet Network IP: 146.182 Network Name: UOVS Location: University of the Orange-Free State, Computer Centre, Bloemfontein 9300, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Country Code: ZA 42:702 Alternet Router 43:701 Alternet Router Network IP: 150.148 Network Name: DIMES Location: Parklawn Computer Center / DIMES HQ, Departmental Information Management Exchange system, Food & Drug Administration Room 2B57, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, USA Country Code: US 1:86 ENSS 136, College Park 2:279 Georgia Tech Network IP: 151.160 Network Name: MILLSAPS Location: Millsaps College, 1701 North State Street, Jackson, MS 39210, USA Country Code: US 1:279 Georgia Tech 2:86 ENSS 136, College Park Network IP: 152.106 Network Name: RAUNET Location: Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Country Code: ZA 42:702 Alternet Router 43:701 Alternet Router Network IP: 155.244 Network Name: COCO-NET Location: Rome Air Development Center/DCLD, Griffiss Air Force Base, Building 3, Rome, NY 13441-5700, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNET Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 157.151 Network Name: HOLONET Location: Information Access Technologies, Inc., HoloNet Internet Services, 46 Shattuck Square, Suite 11, Berkeley, CA 94704, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNET Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 157.199 Network Name: HKR Location: Healthcare Knowledge Resources, Inc., 24 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive, P.O. Box 301, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-0301, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNET Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.73.216 Network Name: MDC Location: Mead Data Central, 933 Springboro Pike, Miamisburg, OH 45342, USA Country Code: US 1:1325 ANS Cleveland - DNSS 43 Network IP: 192.77.173 Network Name: PSINET-C-173 Location: PSI, 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNET Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.132.29 Network Name: HUDSON Location: Hudson High School, 77 North Oviatt Street, Hudson, OH . Country Code: US 1:600 OARNET, Cleveland, OH Network IP: 192.135.78 Network Name: NCPC-NET Location: National Capital Planning Commission, NCPC, 801 Pennsylvannia Ave., NW, Suite 301, Wash., DC 20576, USA Country Code: US 1:86 ENSS 136, College Park 2:279 Georgia Tech Network IP: 192.138.193 Network Name: UHCBA Location: University of Houston, College of Business, 4800, Calhoun, Houston, TX 77204-6282, USA Country Code: US 1:114 SESQUINET Regional Network 2:1700 SESQUINET Regional Network Network IP: 192.138.194 Network Name: UHRICS Location: University of Houston, College of Business, University of Houston, 4800, Calhoun, Houston, TX 77204, USA Country Code: US 1:114 SESQUINET Regional Network 2:1700 SESQUINET Regional Network Network IP: 192.147.44 Network Name: MCIMAIL-DMZ Location: MCI Mail Operations, MCI Telecommunications, Inc., 501 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516, USA Country Code: US 1:1323 ANS Chicago - DNSS 27 Network IP: 192.147.230 Network Name: ONE-NET Location: Open Networks Engineering, Inc., 777 East Eisenhower Parkway, Suite 315, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNET Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.147.238 Network Name: SUPERNET-DMZ Location: SuperNet/Supercomputing Review, 8445 Camino Santa Fe, Suite 204, San Diego, CA 92121, USA Country Code: US 1:1322 ANS Los Angeles - DNSS 19 Network IP: 192.149.8 Network Name: CCAC Location: Community College of Allegheny County, 800 Allegheny Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15233, USA Country Code: US 1:1206 PSCNET Network IP: 192.147.44 Network Name: MCIMAIL-DMZ Location: MCI Mail Operations, MCI Telecommunications, Inc., 501 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516, USA Country Code: US 1:1323 ANS Chicago - DNSS 27 Network IP: 192.147.230 Network Name: ONE-NET Location: Open Networks Engineering, Inc., 777 East Eisenhower Parkway, Suite 315, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNET Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.147.238 Network Name: SUPERNET-DMZ Location: SuperNet/Supercomputing Review, 8445 Camino Santa Fe, Suite 204, San Diego, CA 92121, USA Country Code: US 1:1322 ANS Los Angeles - DNSS 19 Network IP: 192.149.8 Network Name: CCAC Location: Community College of Allegheny County, 800 Allegheny Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15233, USA Country Code: US 1:1206 PSCNET T3 special additions: ENSS 144 - NASA Ames ENSS 145 - College Park #2 Total NSFNET T3 announced networks: 2390 The configuration reports, map information sheets, and configuration files which reflect these changes are available for anonymous ftp on nis.nsf.net as usual. nsfsites - configuration reports latest report for: - NSFNET T1 has the file extension .now - NSFNET T3 has the file extension 3.now nsfconfg - configuration files for the routing software for each NSS latest report for: - NSFNET T1 has the file format config.nss# - NSFNET T3 has the file extension .t3p Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin@merit.edu using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line from the nis.nsf.net machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the machine. Do a "cd nsfsites" and grab the files TEMPLATE.NET, TEMPLATE.GATE, and TEMPLATE.AS. ************** -B. Sue Blair Merit Network Operations