I understand that, the issue I had with this is in the presentation "Major net security holes identified", Should have read "Major net security holes fixed " this would have been fair to Paul and crew. is all I am saying..... Simon Lockhart wrote:
Major net security holes identified http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1142000/1142572.stm
Heh, we're a news organisation. We report things as they happen ;-)
Simon -- Simon Lockhart | Tel: +44 (0)1737 839676 Internet Engineering Manager | Fax: +44 (0)1737 839516 BBC Internet Services | Email: Simon.Lockhart@bbc.co.uk Kingswood Warren,Tadworth,Surrey,UK | URL: http://support.bbc.co.uk/
-- Thank you; |--------------------------------| | Thinking is a learned process. | | ICANN member @large | | Gigabit over IP, ieee 802.17 | | working group | | Resilient Packet Transport | |--------------------------------| Henry R. Linneweh