8 Jan
8 Jan
5:25 a.m.
At 03:17 PM 07-01-03 -0600, Peter E. Fry wrote:
"David G. Andersen" wrote:
Rule number 1 with any ethernet: Check to make sure you have the duplex and rate statically configured, and configured identically on both ends of the connection. [...]
I'd like to thank Cisco for this piece of advice, as the only company incapable of manufacturing Ethernet equipment capable of autonegotiation. At least until 1999 or so. Yeah, there're a few others, all of which seemed to follow Cisco's lead. Nutty.
Everything Cisco has to say on the subject: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/switches/ps700/products_tech_note0918... -Hank [Thanks Yaron :-)]
Peter E. Fry