24 Sep
24 Sep
3:17 p.m.
Really? I can see / send this mail from gmail. :-) @Yokohama, Japan. 2009/9/25 Chris Gotstein <chris@uplogon.com>:
It was short-lived, seems to be back up now, but a little flaky.
---- ---- ---- ---- Chris Gotstein, Sr Network Engineer, UP Logon/Computer Connection UP http://uplogon.com | +1 906 774 4847 | chris@uplogon.com
Chris Gotstein wrote:
Anyone else seeing Google's Gmail down right now? Seems to have been down since 10am CST. We are connected through Chicago. downforeveryoneorjustme.com is also reporting it's down.
-- ---------- Masa <mailto:lan.man.wan@gmail.com> mixi http://mixi.jp/show_friend.pl?id=797271 / Skype r-u-s-h Messenger ieee802_3af@hotmail.com / Yahoo! m_a_s_aa