On Fri, 30 Nov 2001, Jim Dixon wrote:
One thing is certain. If the service still works tomorrow then it can be presumed that the court order did not state that it must be shut down.
Its a game of chicken. But based on how poorly the game was played with Northpoint, I wouldn't be surprised to see at least some of the cable companies like Charter to move to their new network as soon as the contract is ended. The judge said the company and bondholders could negotiate new deals with the cable companies. Cox, AT&T, etc could come to a new arrangement to continue service before Midnight (PST as someone pointed out @Home is a California based company). If they don't come to a new arrangement, the company and creditors can cease service at Midnight. The US Bankruptcy Courty handling this case is http://www.canb.uscourts.gov/ They have a section on the "free" part of the web site on the Excite@Home bankruptcy under "Pending Large Chapter 11 Cases." But there is no information. The fee-based PACER system would have the complete text of the judge's order.