Karyn Ulriksen wrote:
The only downsides I saw in it is that our network was not notified prior to the blackholing (although many avenues where publicly available) and I think that subnet is STILL (despite many, many requests and 4 years later) listed on black lists even though its neither being black holed or utilized by spammers. However, I wouldn't be surprised if some overzealous netadmin came across one of those lists and threw it in for good measure. Not my problem anymore, but UUNet's next customer who gets that block may be in for a surprise...
The organized blackhole lists used by many people are one thing. Blocks put up by individuals are something completely different. You may never see all of those blocks removed. -- North Shore Technologies, Cleveland, OH http://NorthShoreTechnologies.net Steve Sobol, BOFH - President, Chief Website Architect and Janitor Pictures of two of my 'children': http://www.WrinkleDogs.com About Spamfighters: "We're not net nazis. We're dot communists." - W. Arnold