350 Cermak Chicago is a "historic" building which means you can't change the visible outside. Someone had long discussions about the benefits of outside air economizers, but can't change the windows. Need to hide HVAC plant (as much as possible). I would design all colos to look like 375 Pearl St (formerly Verizon, formerly AT&T) New York. Vents and concrete. Almost all the windows visible on the outside of 350 Cermak Chicago are "fake." They are enclosed on the inside (with fake indoor decor) because of 1912 glass panes aren't very weatherproof. But they preserve the look and feel of the neighborhood :-) 350 Cermak rebuilt as a colo is over 20-years old. It will be interesting to read the final root cause analysis. Of course, as always, networks and data centers should not depend on a single POP. Diversify the redudancy, because something will always fail. There are multiple POP/IXP in major cities. And multiple cities with POPs and IXPs.