On Jun 17, 2011, at 9:13 PM, David Conrad wrote:
On Jun 17, 2011, at 4:04 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
I really don't think that namespace issues are part of the role for the ASO AC.
Why do you think there is an ASO?
This is clearly a problem for ICANN's disaster-ridden domain-name side, and not for the ASO/NRO side of things.
Because there is clearly no inter-relation between domains and address and the operation of the Internet.
Operationally, it's a horrible idea, but, most of us in layers 1-4 stopped paying much attention to the disasters happening at ICANN for DNS along time ago as we sort of came to believe that we didn't have enough money to bribe^h^h^h^h^hinfluence the right people in a sufficiently meaningful way to make our voices heard.
Aren't you one of the folks who state that if you don't participate in PPML then you have no reason to criticize ARIN policies?
+1 -- If you haven't bothered to be involved, you have lost the right to kvetch… If enough operational folk had bothered to stay involved, ICANN would be more operational. Claiming that it is all driven by money is a cop out. Yes, it's very political, yes there are LOTS of lawyers and policy folk, yes the atmosphere is not fun, yes the registries and registrars are the big players (because they have bothered to play), but technical folk CAN and DO make a difference… Warren "serves on the SSAC" Kumari
Regards, -drc