There are already devices that are doing this like PowerTxT, it may be based off another company I may add but we are using them for OOB monitoring of power for remote sites. They have just enough power in the capacitors to send a text message to a master number or gateway for an NMS. Have a look at http://www.tekview-solutions.com/powertxt.php Regards, Hal Ponton Senior Network Engineer Buzcom / FibreWiFi Tel: 07429 979 217 Email: hal@buzcom.net
On 7 Dec 2015, at 01:07, b <b-nanog@grmbl.net> wrote:
What about a $20 android phone, when it detects a power loss (stops charging), send an sms.
On Mon, Dec 07, 2015 at 12:03:48PM +1100, Karl Auer wrote:
On Sun, 2015-12-06 at 18:13 -0600, Josh Reynolds wrote: You could always just use UPS equipment that can send out alerts on power outages and low bat voltage. Or, use equipment that supports dying gasp.
The equipment you have needs to be able to send the alert, which means SMS or email-capable equipment needs to stay powered up long enough to do that.
There might be a product idea here, if no-one's done it already: Something like a RaspBerry Pi, running off a lithium battery, with a recharge circuit and something to detect a power outage. Add a 3G/4G card to send an SMS alert, put it all in a box, plug it into power. Only configuration needed is setting the SMS target(s)... If you made it network addressable (on 3G/4G) it could send emails as well.
Regards, K.
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au) http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer http://twitter.com/kauer389
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