Another one for the list... We're working on fielding our quad-255 ( DNS. It's currently pingable but not yet providing resolution. We're aiming for an April 1st release. One of the most widley-distributed quads out there. We're thinking about calling it QUAdFF -- drink it up. Mark On 3/30/18, 10:48 AM, "NANOG on behalf of Royce Williams" <nanog-bounces@nanog.org on behalf of royce@techsolvency.com> wrote: And FWIW, there are currently a few other other same-quad open resolvers: # IP - desc | CIDR | recursion-yes - APNIC-LABS - Research prefix for APNIC Labs (now Cloudflare distributed public recursive DNS) | 1/8 | recursion-yes - Google LLC (public recursive DNS) | 8.8.8/24 | recursion-yes - Quad9 (public recursive DNS) | 9.9.9/24 | recursion-yes - Dadeh Gostar Asr Novin P.J.S. Co. (Iran) | 77.77.64/19 | recursion-yes - Freenom DNS CLoud IP Space | 80.80.80/23 | recursion-yes - NanJing XinFeng Information Technologies, Inc. | 114.114/16 | recursion-yes Full survey - with owners of the largest bit-boundary-aligned blocks that contain them - here: https://gist.github.com/roycewilliams/6cb91ed94b88730321ca3076006229f1 Royce