Sorry, this is not acceptable, regardless of national boundaries. And it will be fought against, regardless of where it originates, or resides. Always. I do not condone collateral damage strategies in this regard, but suggesting that a "wild, wild west" Internet is something that will be a contimuum -- it cannot be, and will not be. As such, I also do not condone such activities as Blue/Black Frog suggest, as it is completely contrary to established practices of mitigation (and removal). - ferg p.s. Now if we could only get the registries onboard... -- "Alexei Roudnev" <alex@relcom.net> wrote: Internet IS a wild west. You should live with it. It will never be _quet, dead american's residential area, where dogs do not bark and kids do not play themself on streets in age of 8 (normal dogs bark, and normal kids often play themself when they are 8)_. It is the whole WORLD, not one country. So, we must live with it, and do not hope, that it will have numerous _speed tickets_ and _police officers_ (as 90% of the people live every day, making their own decisions and protecting themselves. It is, in fact, a very effectiv way to stop spammers. But it definitely became a dangerous DDOS service. So - learn how to live with it, it's the only choice. (Make sure, that no single protocol or botnet can kill the whole network or deplete all resources, for example). [snip] -- "Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson Engineering Architecture for the Internet fergdawg@netzero.net or fergdawg@sbcglobal.net ferg's tech blog: http://fergdawg.blogspot.com/