Fergie wrote:
Paging Bill Manning...
Unfortunately, we've tried to reach Bill, as well as other folks at EP.NET to no avail, and this is impacting us quite negatively.
Congratulations, finally, after almost a year after the shutdown and deprecation of the 6bone address space, returning it to IANA, all the 6bone prefixes are finally gone from the IPv6 routing tables at all ISP's peering with GRH (which thus more or less gives a global IPv6 BGP view) grh.sixxs.net> show bgp 3ffe::/16 longer-prefixes grh.sixxs.net> (aka none ;) Checking http://www.sixxs.net/tools/grh/dfp/6bone/ pTLA: 3ffe::/24 Country: us NetName: ROOT66/US-CA ASN: AS4555 Allocated: 1997-08-14 Last Seen: 2007-05-10 12:17:22 pTLA: 3ffe:800::/24 Country: us NetName: ISI-LAP/US-CA ASN: 4555 Allocated: 1997-08-14 Last Seen 2007-05-10 12:17:22 Thanks Bill for finally(!) shutting down the machines that you where still using for announcing these prefixes. This definitely shows that everybody is done experimenting with IPv6, expect for the upcoming Great IPv6 Experiment of course ;) For the folks still using only IPv4: Remember that Geoff Huston and Tony Hain have now aligned their prognoses for IPv4 Address Depletion: 2009 is the new date, so if you are not doing IPv6 yet, you better start doing something about it, or you will be too late, and everybody who did do something about it, is going to point and laugh at you while ridiculing you saying "we told you so", which is going to be quite a lot of fun :) Greets, Jeroen (only partially kidding, but it was time that 6bone routes finally disappeared, he can resurrect the rest of ep.net though)