----- Original Message ----- From: "Jesper Skriver" <jesper@skriver.dk>
Actually I would be much happy with a Certified something. I can't figure out why people want a CCIE to run their Juniper routers.
Because a CCIE is about a lot more than knowing how to configure a Cisco device, very few will pass a CCIE test without _knowing_ the technology, and what they are doing, and that is the same regardless of the label on the equipment.
That may have been true during your genre of CCIE's, but not with the latest round of CCIE's, my friends... you should see the posts I see on the ccie lab mailing lists. Its enough to scare even me, and I don't scare easily. The latest round of study materials is creating a "puppy mill" of CCIEs - inexperienced, money-hungry, power-conscious, and absolutely clueless. I wouldn't give most of them the enable passwords to my routers... _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com