Steve (and all),
At least in my neighborhood, Comcast appears to be running BIND 9.2.4rc6
Ah... Then there are to possible paths... 1) There was a real memory-leak bug and this was an unfortunate operations event. The CHANGES file for 9.3.1 and bind-9.2.5rc1 show various big fixes related to memory leak issues. I leave it to someone else to comment on the potential of being tickled within a Comcast environment. -or- (And on a much more cynical note.) 2) Someone checked the latest CHANGES file for bind and realized that saying it was a memory leak was a good cover (see quick pseudo-grep of file below. Note that not all the bug's affect the running bind name server code). Whichever it was, I wonder how it could affect so many name servers at only one provider and all at the same time. This is just plain strange. I would have thought that best practices for a DNS service would recommend staggered upgrades, heck, even forced different s/w releases. etc. etc. Martin --------------------------------------- awk ' /^ --- 9\.2\.[0123][^ ]* released ---/ { print; exit; } /^ --- [^ ]* released ---/ { print; next; } /^[ ]*$/ { if (memory) { print all; } all = ""; memory = 0; next; } /[mM]emory/ { memory = 1; } { all = all "\n" $0; next } ' < bind-9.3.1/CHANGES --------------------------------------- --- 9.3.1 released --- --- 9.3.1rc1 released --- --- 9.3.1beta2 released --- --- 9.3.1beta1 released --- --- 9.3.0 released --- --- 9.3.0rc4 released --- --- 9.3.0rc3 released --- --- 9.3.0rc2 released --- 1683. [bug] dig +sigchase could leak memory. [RT #11445] --- 9.3.0rc1 released --- 1643. [bug] dns_db_closeversion() could leak memory / node references. [RT #11163] --- 9.3.0beta4 released --- 1635. [bug] Memory leak on error in query_addds(). --- 9.3.0beta3 released --- 1599. [bug] Fix memory leak on error path when checking named.conf. --- 9.3.0beta2 released --- --- 9.3.0beta1 released --- 1562. [bug] isc_socket_create() and isc_socket_accept() could leak memory under error conditions. [RT #10230] 1561. [bug] It was possible to release the same name twice if named ran out of memory. [RT #10197] 1547. [bug] Named wasted memory recording duplicate lame zone entries. [RT #9341] 1545. [bug] It was possible to leak memory if named was unable to bind to the specified transfer source and TSIG was being used. [RT #10120] 1364. [func] Log file name when unable to open memory statistics and dump database files. [RT# 3437] 1235. [func] Report 'out of memory' errors from openssl. 1143. [bug] When a trusted-keys statement was present and named was built without crypto support, it would leak memory. 982. [func] If "memstatistics-file" is set in options the memory statistics will be written to it. --- 9.2.3rc1 released ---