Elections for three of the six elected positions on the NANOG Steering Committee will be held in October, 2010, for two-year terms ending in October, 2012. The current SC members whose terms are expiring are Patrick Gilmore, Joe Provo, and Robert Seastrom. Joe is finishing his second consecutive term, so per the charter, cannot be considered for reelection until October 2011. If you care about NANOG as a forum, and think you would like to take a turn at volunteering your time to help make it better, please consider either volunteering yourself or nominating someone else. For more information about the role of the Steering Committee, or to find out more about what's involved in being a Steering Committee member, please consult the NANOG charter or contact someone who is already serving and ask them directly. http://www.nanog.org/governance/charter/ http://www.nanog.org/governance/steering/steeringcommittee.php Per the charter, Steering Committee members must attend at least two of three NANOG meetings per year while in office. HOW TO NOMINATE SOMEONE You may nominate someone else, or yourself. There is no limit to the number of nominations that may be submitted by a single person. Individual nominees will be contacted directly to confirm that they are willing to accept the nomination, and so that they can supply a biography for the NANOG web page. To submit a nomination, send the nominee's full name and contact details to nominations@nanog.org. The deadline for nominations is 11:59 PM EDT on Monday, August 30. The candidates will be given an opportunity to make brief comments and/ or accept questions from the community at the NANOG 50 Community Meeting on Sunday, October 3. As a reminder, the full election timeline is: Aug. 2 - SC Nominations begin Aug. 24 - Potential charter amendments discussed in nanog-futures Aug. 24 - PC Nominations begin Aug. 30 - SC Candidate information posted/nominations close Sep. 13 - Call for Mailing List Committee nominations Sep. 21 - Ballot approved Oct. 3 - Voting opens at 12:00 EDT Oct. 4 - PC Candidate Information posted/nominations close Oct. 6 - Voting closes at 09:15 EDT, results announced before the close of NANOG 50. For the SC, Steve Feldman _______________________________________________ NANOG-announce mailing list NANOG-announce@nanog.org https://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/nanog-announce