On 2012 Jul 4, at 08:50, Jimmy Hess wrote:
So accept the inaccuracy and correct the clock in the normal way that NTP corrects clocks that have drifted.
This is basically the "leap smear" that google instituted after the issues in 2005. It works nicely in cloud applications where real-time is not an issue. It does not work so well when precision calculations of real-time physics are important, nor in heterogeneous environments where not all devices pay attention to NTP or some handle the leap differently than others. Those are places where a kernel should never be asked to do what the combination of POSIX and leap seconds demand. -- Steve Allen <sla@ucolick.org> WGS-84 (GPS) UCO/Lick Observatory Natural Sciences II, Room 165 Lat +36.99855 University of California Voice: +1 831 459 3046 Lng -122.06015 Santa Cruz, CA 95064 http://www.ucolick.org/~sla/ Hgt +250 m