The courier will likely charge you less than a customs broker will for a single item - the brokers are mainly used for large transactions. While you're legally entitled to bring this equipment in carry-on luggage, proving and authenticating your right can be a costly and timely exercise.
Jumping on the back of this thread, does anyone have any recommendations for suppliers of Cisco kit in the states? I don't fancy dealing with customs & international shipping. Thanks Tim Timothy Arnold Senior Engineer, Operations (Network, Security & Facilities Group), UKSolutions Telephone: 0845 004 1333, option 2 Email: timothy.arnold@uksolutions.co.uk Web: http://www.uksolutions.co.uk/ UKS Ltd, Birmingham Road, Studley, Warwickshire, B80 7BG Registered in England Number 3036806 This email must be read in conjunction with the legal & service notices on http://www.uksolutions.co.uk/disclaimer