At 09:08 PM 4/25/97 +0100, Adrian J Bool wrote:
Are your nameservers in the first class C of your CIDR block by any chance??? They have been taking CIDR blocks and squirting out Class C equivilents.
Sadly, many poeple (including me) think, oooh, nice big CDIR block lets put all my important boxes in it's first Class C... Seems to be a very bad descision ;-(
Thats actually a really good point. I have (accidentally) protected myself from this as I am using the first C of my CIDR block for interfaces which never need to be reached by the outside world (hmm, time to move them to net 10 I suppose). Phil, is this something that might make some form of sdense for that PIER doc you are writing? Justin Newton Network Architect Erol's Internet Services http://www.erols.com ISP/C Director at Large http://www.ispc.org