On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 11:33:36PM -0500, measl@mfn.org wrote:
The SPAM problem goes up and down to be sure, but you know what? PROCMAIL is your friend. All you need to look for are the basics (ADV, Make Money, etc) and you can instatly filter 90 percent of this trash into the bitbucket.
Please do share your operational experiences with this, with respect to effectiveness, scalability, etc. Sounds like a shocking revelation -- who needs elaborate DNS or eBGP multihop-based blackhole lists, when we can catch 90% of all spam known to man using procmail and a simple subject regex!@?!
At work (not mfn.org), I get several orders of magnitude more mail (usually obnoxious at that) from the "gentle anti-spammers" than the poor "victims" get themselves!
Have you tried unsubscribing yourself from the cypherpunks and spam-l lists? On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 01:24:16AM -0400, Mitch Halmu wrote:
Guilty of what, Vivien? You are accusing me of being a spammer?
While you're not a spammer, you're consciously providing spammers with an invaluable tool: an open SMTP relay to abuse freely.
NetSide's customers were fully informed of our stance published on a web site dedicated to the problem, most agreed, and those that chose to stay and endure the year-long MAPS blockade obviously like their communications uncensored, and truly appreciate being able to transparently use their accounts from elsewhere (i.e., from the office).
Ahhh yes, <http://www.dotcomeon.com/> isn't the least bit biased or factually inaccurate, right? And secure tunneling, SMTP authentication, and IMAP/POP-before-SMTP are hard; let's go shopping.
I dare to be as bold as to imply that their agenda is akin to extracting "protection" money from ISPs. Do you really expect them to blackhole some of their paying "customers"?
Yes. MAPS is (and has been for as long as I can recall) a reputable organization under very close public scrutiny. If they did something this shady, surely someone would raise a stink.
I am fighting his little MAPS charity based strictly on the belief that no private party has the right to appoint themselves as communications censors [...]
So, if you're so opposed to the MAPS-maintained blackholes, what are you using to protect your massive dialup customer base from spam? -adam