Brian Dickson wrote:
And root of the problem was brought into existence by the insistence that every network (LAN) must be a /64.
Get your history straight. The /64 was an outcome of operators deciding there was not enough room for hierarchy in the original proposal for the IPv6 address as 64 bits (including hosts), despite its ability to deliver 3 orders of magnitude more than the IAB goal statement. Given that position, the entire 64 bits was given to *ROUTING* and we argued for another year about how many bits to add for hosts on the lan. The fact it came out to 64 was an artifact of emerging 64 bit processors and the desire to avoid any more bit shifting than necessary. Yes, autoconfig using the mac was a consideration, but that was a convenient outcome, not the driving factor. Yet here we are 15 years later and the greedy, or math challenged, still insist on needing even more bits. Stop worrying about how many bits there are in the lan space. That abundance allows for technical innovation that will never be possible in the stingy world of centralized control. Consider a world where the 'central control' crowd only allows one application on the network (voice), and innovation is defined as 'only deploy something with an immediate income stream' (caller id). In an environment like that, were do new things come from? You can't prove a demand exists without deployment, yet you can't get deployment without a proven demand. Enter the ott Internet which leveraged the only allowed app via an audio modulation hack and built something entirely different, where innovation was allowed to flourish. Now go back to the concept of miserly central control of lan bits and figure out how one might come up with something like RFC3971 (SEND) that would work in any network. Rob Seastrom wrote:
Re-working your conclusion statement without redoing the math, "This leaves room for 2^15 such ISPs (a mere 16384), from the current /3."
Interesting; that was the IAB design goal for total end system count. >>> 2^12 networks supporting 2^15 end systems.
Oddly enough, I'm OK with that. :)
So am I, and if we do burn through that before a replacement network technology comes along, there are still 6 more buckets that large to do it differently. Tony