On Fri, 15 May 1998, Mark D. Nagel wrote:
One of our customers was recently allocated a /20 netblock from ARIN. I had just been ass-u-ming it was a /19 until I cross-checked our announcement update with the request from the customer. Is this a change in policy (I thought they only allocated /19 or bigger) or did I miss something? If the former, are NSPs like Sprint planning to update filters to route these new smaller blocks?
ARIN has made a slight change to make it easier for small ISPs to get provider independant netblocks. They will assign a /20 and reserve the adjacent /20, the customer is allowed to announce the entire /19. For further information, please view http://www.arin.net/initial-isp.html Jeremiah Jeremiah Kristal Senior Network Engineer ICon CMT Corporation jeremiah@iconnet.net 201-319-5764 x284 internal