At 7:56 AM +0000 2002/07/29, Paul Vixie wrote:
in real time and i've got to say that harvey pitt sounds like the man for this moment. quoting his speech:
My wife used to work at the SEC. Her opinion on this subject is that Harvey is a day late and a dollar short. Arthur Levitt wanted to have a stronger separation between the consulting & accounting arms of firms like Arthur Anderson, but Congress killed it -- Enron managed to contribute enough to the various re-election funds of various politicians that it didn't stand a chance. Maybe if they had listened to Arthur, Enron would have been caught earlier, and maybe not have been so bad. Maybe WorldCom wouldn't have happened at all. Maybe Qwest might have been caught earlier. Maybe they might have turned up something more on Microsoft and been able to really slap them down, as opposed to just applying some perfume to their wrists. -- Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles@skynet.be> "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.