Rule number 1 with any ethernet: Check to make sure you have the duplex and rate statically configured, and configured identically on both ends of the connection. I'd wager you've got half duplex set on one side, and full on the other... -Dave On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 02:19:10PM -0500, Drew Weaver mooed:
Hi, this is kind of a newbie question but this doesn't make a whole lot of sense :P
I have an etherstack hub connected to a FastEthernet port on a cisco 3660 router, these are the stats when I do a show int fast0/0:
5776 input errors, 5776 CRC, 2717 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored
Whats weird is I just cleared the counters 12 minutes ago, and already there are almost 6000 CRC errors. This connected via a standard Cat5 ethernet cable, I have tried replacing the cable to noavail.
Is this a fairly normal situation, If so that's great, but it seemed rather ridiculous to me, and if it is not a normal situation, what would cause this?
Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks, -Drew Weaver
-- work: dga@lcs.mit.edu me: dga@pobox.com MIT Laboratory for Computer Science http://www.angio.net/ I do not accept unsolicited commercial email. Do not spam me.