Hi Jim, If I remember correctly there was some press hype about the idea of modularising IOS just about a year ago, which inevitably culminated IOS XR for carrier products. iirc there wasn't any talk of backports or deployments for non carrier equipment. ( I stand to be corrected of course ) The 12000 series got XR'd and was then renamed to the XR12000. That at least suggests that Cisco's idea could be that their current range of switches/routers could be upgraded to XR instead of buying "new range" equipment. I surely hope this turns out to be the policy on all Cisco ranges at the end of the day. cheers, ivan Jim McBurnett wrote:
QUOTE From: Ivan Groenewald [mailto:ivang@xtrahost.co.uk]
IMHO IOS should be completely modular. ie SNMP/QOS/BGP etc should be a loadable module etc. In the event of you patching a service specific bug, you'd only upload the new modules and insmod them. I'd be very happy if the Cisco router fairy would write and backport such an IOS. That should end this idiotic router rebooting nonsense that the internet is plagued with, for the most part. /QUOTE
If I remember correctly, This Exactly where Cisco has said they are going...
With the IOS XR Just as the beginning..
Does anyone else remember this?