They've made a big announcement about it, but the code doesn't yet appear to be on their ftp site. The announcement does not describe what approach they took to solving the problem (presumably something more then their existing patch for the larg PCB hash table). See http://www.bsdi.com/press/19961002.html for the full announcement. It scares me to think how much effort has gone into defense against this one denial of service attack when there are endless possibilities for other ones. ______________________________________________________________________________ Colorado Springs, CO (October 2, 1996) -- Berkeley Software Design, Inc. (BSDI) anounced today its enhancements to its BSD/OS and BSDI Internet Server that are designed to protect against the recent wave of "SYN-flooding" denial-of-service attacks. Beginning this week, BSDI will make the source code for these enhancements available at no charge via the Internet to BSDI customers as well as all interested operating system suppliers, system administrators, and software developers.