On Monday, Jun 30, 2003, at 19:16 Canada/Eastern, Callahan, Richard M, SOLGV wrote:
The FCC has, as of Thursday the 26th, adopted all aspects of the FTC DNCR. Now all
long-distance phone companies airlines banks and credit unions; and the business of insurance,
are fully covered and enforceable. count one for the good guys!!
Of course, it does nothing for people outside the US who get cold-called by US-based telemarketers. It's almost understandable how that could happen if you live in Canada, since Canadian numbers live in the North American number plan, but I used to get called by people trying to sell investment advice and long-distance calling plans while I lived in Auckland. It was occasionally amusing to keep them on the phone for about half an hour, and then say "of course, you realise this is an international call, there's no way I can buy what you're selling, and in fact this is costing you vast sums of money". Until I realised that they thought "international" meant out-of-state, and that they thought New Zealand was a town in Southern California. Joe