29 Feb
29 Feb
9:32 p.m.
A revised document talks about this (page 63), as well as several of the other recent questions on the NANOG list. http://www.cisco.com/public/cons/isp/documents/IOSEssentialsPDF.zip This document is wonderful! It appears to be version 2.82, but I've never seen it before. I first saw it in Paul Ferguson's message a couple of weeks ago, and also found it off his www.denialinfo.com page. Jeff Kell wrote:
There are two commands (undocumented even in 12.0):
'show int switching' <---switching MUST BE SPELLED OUT 'show int s' <---provides a summary form of the above
WSimpson@UMich.edu Key fingerprint = 17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26 DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32