From: Jo Rhett <jrhett@netconsonance.com> Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 10:42:30 -0700 Subject: Re: The Department of Work and Pensions, UK has an entire /8
[[ sneck ]]
And second, have you ever worked on a private intranet that wasn't connected to the internet through a firewall? Skipping oob networks for equipment management, neither have I.
Yes, in fact, I have. <grin> In the financial and/or brokerage communities, there are internal networks with enough 'high value'/sensitive information to justify "air gap" isolation from the outide world. Also, in those industries, there are 'semi-isolated' networks where all external commnications are mediated through dual-homed _application- layer_ gateways. No packet-level communications between 'inside' and 'outside'. The 'inside' apps onl know how to talk to the gateway; server- side talks only to specific (pre-determined) trusted hosts for the specific request being processed. NO 'transparent pass-through' in either direction.