On Tue, 2 Aug 2005, Neil J. McRae wrote:
note image size of 11/12/16 mb... note that many (most?) 2500's don't have 16M flash :( many, many referenced before (term servers for instance) are 2mb flash boxes. It's possible that Randy's referring to this sort of 2500. Kindly using himself for a whipping boy instead of the rest of us with 2500 term servers with 2mb flash :) I suspect the same thing goes for the 1700's as well in many cases.
IIRC the 2500 has an end of support date of 2009 so I expect images to be available.
cons uptime is 1 week, 10 hours, 42 minutes System restarted by power-on System image file is "flash:igs-i-l.111-9", booted via flash cisco 2511 (68030) processor (revision D) with 2048K/2048K bytes of memory. lather/rinse/repeat... where are the images that fit in my 2501's 2mb ram/2mbflash? (current, non-vulnerable, ipv6 capable even)