I understand the problems but I think there are clear cut cases where /48's make sense- a large scale anycast DNS provider would seem to be a good candidate for a /48 and I would hope it would get routed. Then again that might be the only sensible reason...
Don't give people an excuse to deagg their /32 RIPE may only give out /32's but ARIN gives out /48's so there wouldn't be any deaggregation in that case.
That's not what I said. If /48 are accepted by * then people with a /32 or whatever will deagg to /48. How much and why they deagg will vary but *hand waving argument* it'll be a lot more pressure on routing table size than people doing PI You get one shot at fixed prefix size filters, miss and you'll pay forever. Which is more scarce, /32's or routing table entries. brandon