I'm assuming you're being facetious.
I* (including but not limited to "I" and "IPv6") are facetious, of course.
??? please clarify ...
A '*' character in a regular expression matches anything including a null string, in this case, "", "Pv6" and maybe more.
First, vendors of IPv6 address space should seriously tell vendors of Internet service supply IPv6 service.
Then, vendors of Internet service should seriously tell vendors of routers that they really supply IPv6 capable routers.
And there will be a v6-capable Internet, only after which there will be some good reason, beyond curiosity, to deploy v6 on private production networks.
And then, we can get around depleted address space.
This appears to be a classic chicken and egg issue. Which comes first?
The first one. For the definition of "serious", see draft-ohta-address-allocation-00.txt.
I am perfectly willing to deploy private-side IPv6, if I had a reason to do so.
I am not, because I know I have no reason.
The real question is whom is benefiting from sustaining the current situation?
Good question. Perpaps, the answer includes some people in NIC who want to keep their current power on ISPs. However, if their attempt is successful, NICs will soon be overridden by ITU-T (or its domestic committees) and ISPs by telephone network providers. Masataka Ohta