The following networks have been added to the NSFNET policy-based routing database: T1 Network: Net # Net Name Primary Secondary Location -------- ----------- ------- --------- -------- 147.215 FNET-ESIEE2 1238 FNET c/o INRIA, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, Domaine de Voluceau, Rocquencourt, BP 105, F-78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, FRANCE 134.133 COMSAT 297 372 COMSAT Laboratories, Network Technology Division, 22300 Comsat Drive, Clarksburg, MD 20871, USA 192.148.174 SOFTRONICS 209 210 Softronics Inc., 5085 List Drive, Colorado Springs CO 80919-3342, USA 192.135.141 LUNET1 93 Langston University, PO Box 609, Langston University, Langston, OK 73050, USA 192.135.128 TICNET 174 750 Texas Internet Consulting, Building 2, Suite 300, 1120 South Capital of Texas Highway, Austin, TX 78746, USA 192.133.48 AMETEK 701 702 Ametek Aerospace Products, Inc., 50 Fordham Road, Willmington, MA 01887, USA 192.124.39 CAMME 590 Institute for Hygiene and Epidemiology, Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models, Gulledelle 100, B-1200 Brussels, BELGIUM 192.101.42 UCBPRESS 200 201 University of California at Berkeley, Central Computing Services, Berkeley, CA 94702, USA 192.100.1 CCWR 701 702 Computing Centre for Water Research, Univeristy of Natal, Pietermarizburg, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 192.96.20 UNITRANET 701 702 University of Transkei, Umtata, Transkei, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 192.96.12 UFH-1 701 702 University of Fort Hare, Alice, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 192.96.11 UFH 701 702 Univeristy of Fort Hare, Alice, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 192.147.24 MOCBHENET 93 Coordinating Board For Higher Education, 101 Adams St., Jefferson City, MO 65101, USA 192.96.2 UNISANET-C 701 702 University of South Africa, Muckleneuk Ridge, Pretoria, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 192.94.210 MRCSCI 701 702 The South African Medical Research Council, P.O. Box 70, Tygerberg 7505, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 192.94.77 VONKARMAN 590 Von Karman Institute, Ch. de Waterloo 72, B-1640 Rhode St. Genese, BELGIUM 192.87.45 RIPE-NCC 590 RIPE Network Coordination Centre, Kruislaan 413, NL-1098 SJ, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS 192.78.4 NSUOK 93 Northeastern State University, 600 No. Grand, Tahlequah, OK 74474, USA 192.70.88 FNET-IAP 590 Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris,98 bis Bd Arago, F-75014, Paris, FRANCE 192.68.148 NOFS 372 297 Naval Observatory, P.O. Box 1149, Flagstaff, AZ 86002, USA 192.31.161 UCB-UCSC-NET 200 201 University of California, Computer Facilities and Communications, 275 Evans Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 192.31.49 BARRNET-TEST3 200 201 Bay Area Regional Research Net, Palo Alto, CA, USA 158.104 WILLANET 685 73 Willamette University, 900 State St., Salem, OR 97301, USA 158.103 MORGAN-NET 86 279 Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD 21239, USA 152.109 UNISANET 701 702 University of South Africa, Muckleneuk Ridge, Pretoria, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 151.152 COH 1740 754 City of Hope Medical Center, 1500 E. Duarte Road, Duarte, CA 91010, USA 146.86 WCSLC-NET 210 209 Westminster College of Salt Lake City, Computer Services, 1840 South 1300 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84105, USA 140.27 SUM-DET-0 184 164 Defense Information Systems Agency, Attn: Code DDEH/B611, Washington, DC 20305-2000, USA 137.144 WAII-NET 701 702 Atlas Wireline Services, 10205 Westheimer, Suite 1000, Houston, TX 77042, USA 134.14 CRG 266 267 Cray Research, Inc., GERMANY 134.5 LASC 174 750 Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Company, Department 85-43, Marietta, GA 30063-0722, USA Total NSFNET T1 announced networks: 4863 T3 Network: 134.5 LASC 174 Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Company, Department 85-43, Marietta, GA 30063-0722, USA 134.133 COMSAT 297 COMSAT Laboratories, Network Technology Division, 22300 Comsat Drive, Clarksburg, MD 20871, USA 137.142 SUC-PLATT 174 SUNY College at Plattsburgh, Computer Systems Center, Plattsburgh, NY 12901, USA 151.152 COH 1740 City of Hope Medical Center, 1500 E. Duarte Road, Duarte, CA 91010, USA 152.109 UNISANET 702 University of South Africa, Muckleneuk Ridge, Pretoria, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 192.94.210 MRCSCI 702 The South African Medical Research Council, P.O. Box 70, Tygerberg 7505, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 192.96.2 UNISANET-C 702 University of South Africa, Muckleneuk Ridge, Pretoria, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 192.96.11 UFH 702 Univeristy of Fort Hare, Alice, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 192.96.12 UFH-2 702 Univeristy of Fort Hare, Alice, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 192.96.20 UNITRANET 702 University of Transkei, Umtata, Transkei, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 192.100.1 CCWR 702 Computing Centre for Water Research, Univeristy of Natal, Pietermarizburg, REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 192.135.128 TICNET 174 Texas Internet Consulting, Building 2, Suite 300, 1120 South Capital of Texas Highway, Austin, TX 78746, USA Total NSFNET T3 announced networks: 2515 Note: The configuration reports are temporarily unavailable. A message will be sent to nwg when they are available. Apologies for any inconvenience. Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin@merit.edu using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line from the nis.nsf.net machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the machine. Do a "cd nsfsites" and grab the files TEMPLATE.NET, TEMPLATE.GATE, and TEMPLATE.AS. ************** -B. Sue Blair Merit Network Operations