On Sat, 03 Sep 2011 11:20:13 -0000, Skeeve Stevens said:
My guess is that 99% of consumer internet access is Asymmetrical (DSL, Cable, wireless, etc) and iCloud when launched will 'upload' obscene amounts of gigs of music, tv, backups, email, photos, documents/data and so on to their idata centres.
This is probably not goind to be any harder on your network that BitTorrent and friends.
From what I can see there are some key issues:
You missed the *really* key issue. The more people store data in the cloud, the more irate people are going to be calling your help desk if you have an outage. We've already seen a few news stories where a cloud service has whoopsied and lost data. (And yes, I know that technically, the fact that Joe Sixpack made a poor choice of backup/storage strategies doesn't impose added duties on you. But your help desk is going to have a hard time explaining that to a pissed-off Joe) Am I the only one who thinks iCloud style services plus a Cogent peering dispute is a likely "perfect storm" scenario? ;)