27 Oct
27 Oct
5:46 p.m.
I was almost tempted to keep UUNET off that list, as I don't think anyone knows how hard MFS will push them to join all the Maes in order to attract more business.. i.e., if MFS can get UUNET to join at x dollars, and they perceive that by having UUNET join it will spawn n*x dollars in revenue, it may be in the overall goal of the parent company. Strange.. Then again, I haven't seen any move by Sprint in a similar fashion i.e. if you join Sprint NAP, Sprint will peer with you. Rob
Are the big guys going to come? How good is the Atlanta NAP, Mae-LA, Mae-Dallas, etc. if MCI, Sprint, ANS, UUNET, BBNPlanet and PSI don't go there?
While your point is in general valid, UUNET is at MAE-Houston. --asp@partan.com (Andrew Partan)