On Thu, 03 Feb 2005 16:07:10 +0100, Raymond Dijkxhoorn said:
The only thing I don't see is a way to remove these bots! Not everyone knows how to even look at their machines for signs of these bots. Heck, I know most of my guys here don't even know how these bots work.
For a compromised system, insert CD, reinstall!
BZZT! But thank you for playing. Don't *RE*-install. If you got whacked by a bot on Monday, and re-install Sunday's configuration of software on Tuesday, all that means is that Wednesday you'll get re-whacked. Lather, rinse, repeat. Install *SOMETHING ELSE*. Something less vulnerable to all this manure. (I'll mention the *other* alternative, replacing/upgrading the user, mostly for completeness and so we can all have a good chuckle)